Sunday, April 03, 2011

Conflicted woman lands on feet

Minnesota Public Radio photoMany of you remember Chas Anderson, the former Deputy Commissioner of Education in the Pawlenty Administration who was tasked, among other things, with destroying  the teaching profession. She left the Pawlenty clan abruptly and somewhat mysteriously last fall in the closing months of the Gutshot regime.

She was tasked – or tasked herself – with one last mission: hiring herself as a consultant. The state’s Management and Budget Office found that Anderson had violated conflict of interest rules, but that she had not defrauded the state. Perhaps because the contract was never performed.

I did not realize until recently, however, that Anderson has popped up in government again. She is now MIchael Brodkorb’s doppelganger in the Minnesota House of Representatives. Her title is the Executive Director of the Majority Caucus.

She is joined at the hip House by David Strom, formerly of the Minnesota Taxpayer’s League and the Minnesota Free Market Institute, a “Research Consultant” for the Republican Caucus. As is Davey’s wife, Margaret Martin, also listed as a “Research Consultant.”

All four are no doubt unalterably committed to reducing public employment.

Update: But it happens in Wisconsin, too.

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