Friday, November 14, 2008

Who is this dog Spot, anyway?

Well, boys and girls, if you can hear over the yapping of the blog Chihuahuas, he'll tell you.

He is a 58 year-old more-or-less retired lawyer who has lived in the same stone-front colonial house on a leafy street for 28 years. The house is even older than Spot, which Spot finds gratifying.

Spot always mows his lawn, and shovels the walks; he's never been under threat of condemnation by the city in which he lives. The last time he had a dumpster, it was for construction trash associated with remodeling the basement.

Spot's family has three or four cars, depending on who's home. Until recently, Spot and one of his pups also had a motorcycle that was undoubted faster and cooler than the mechanical penis one of the Chihuahuas rides.

And you know, the cars always run, always have.

Spot's been a lawyer for, what, thirty-three years? A little over actually, commencing about the time that some of the Chihuahuas we could name were wondering why hair was starting to grow in their armpits. Spot's career was largely in civil litigation: business cases mostly, but some First Amendment and, perhaps not coincidentally, reputational torts cases, too.

Spot's name? Ask one of the Chihuahuas; they'll be happy to yap it to you.

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