Monday, August 15, 2005

What's that giant sucking sound?

For those of you who are too busy - and shame on you if you are - to keep up with the progress of our world toward the Rapture, please check out Hammer's Monday Rapture Watch at Three Way News. It is a convenient place for Rapture tidbits all tied up with a bow.

If you have been living a subterranean existence for some years now, the Rapture, or God's Giant Vacuum Cleaner, was foretold in the Book of Revelation, a pre-chemical hallucination known in some circles as the Gospel According to Fellini.

According to Rapture enthusiasts, at some point in the near future the Godly will be sucked out of their clothes and hoovered off the earth to heaven. When this happens, of course, the Godly will be nekked, for shame, so Spotty recommends that the Godly always carry an extra swim suit or something suitably modest. One can never to too prepared!

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